Drew-Baker.Net :: Photography, Music, Production, & Words
griffith nightChairsFRMFerris Wheel NightUnder the PierBury the Dead in Our BeachesThe Sand to ServeSpeed LimitCloud BuildingThe GhostOl' One EyeCart Full of BricksWalking into the Salton SeaNightstar1234Alone It StandsAmsterdam CanalsBike on BlackWriting on the WallAnd the Afternoon Exits WestATL InternationalDaylight AllewayDragon on the WallHighwayStreetwiseDockwalkChurch Windows AngledColorado BridgeCat and RustOn Common Ground, the Lonely Crab and I CrawlCrossCut Up BuildingDWPElectrical BoxEvening EnderWelcome HomeFingertip SmokeFire UrchinGrave SituationHands in the CenterAlone TreeIf I Were a Pool BallIslandIt's Still LifeLBC MetroLeaves in the WaterLonerMemo Per ConcussionHang YourselfLiving Room in ParisMetro DoorsParisian FountainWalking Hand in Hand in the RainPassing Me ByPeace Be With YouPeepingPelican IslandShadowfallSeagull on LampostShe Stands Holding Her BreathSmoking SoloSomething Cliche Like Light at the End of a TunnelStripesThe CathedralThe Evening Ended in Oil BaseThe Happy BuddhaThe MarshThe Single ShooterThis Planet for RentTombstonesTower Top BlurTree in FogUp to the LightLongest NightsWalk With Me and Forget the WorldWhite on WhiteWindowWine & WindowYellow Horse
Places & Things
Here lie photos of locations and objects from around the world, shot on a variety of polaroid cameras. They are a documentation, if you will, of destinations and moments experienced, an instant photographic journal of where life has taken me.